Liposuction FAQ’s

Surgical Procedures

How long do the results last? Removal of fat cells is permanent! However, keep in mind that liposuction cannot prevent you from gaining weight – it will just accumulate less in the area you had treated.


When can I resume normal activity? Many people are able to resume light to moderate activity the next day! However, we recommend that you limit any more strenuous activity and exercise for 5-7 days after your procedure. The most important thing to keep in mind is to just “listen” to your body and to what feels right for you as you heal. *there are different instructions when liposuction is paired with a fat transfer


Does it hurt? No! The areas to be treated are numbed prior to the procedure, making it very comfortable. You might feel some “poking” or “pulling” along with some vibration but most patients find it to be very tolerable.


How many areas can I do? As many as you’d like! Depending on the patient and how much fat we are removing, some of the areas may need to be done during separate procedures but there are no limitations to how many areas you can do.


Will I have scars? No! The insertion sites are so small (the size of a pencil eraser), if you do have any slight marks left on the skin, it will look like a mole or freckle.


What do I need to do to prepare? Very little! Make sure you have a day or two off to rest and recover, pick up any prescriptions or supplies that are recommended to you during your pre-op call and have a ride to and from your appointment lined up. That’s it!


Can I drive home after the procedure? No. You will have medication in your system that could impair your driving. For your safety, we will require a signature from the person you designate to drive you home upon your discharge.

*It must be a person you know (not a ride share or taxi service). If you are coming from out of town and are unable to arrange for someone you know to drive you back to your hotel, we will offer you recommendations for a local nursing service.


When will I see results? Results can be seen immediately for some patients! However, due to some swelling and general healing in the area(s) of treatment, it can take a few weeks to start seeing results. At about 3 months post-procedure, you can expect to see approximately 50% of your results and at 6 months is when you will have your final results.

Do you have more questions? Give us a call!

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