Liposuction of the Abdomen

Surgical Procedures

The abdomen is the most sought-after and popular area when it comes to liposuction. It tends to be problematic for many people, men and women alike. Let’s go into some detail about what is involved and what the typical patient experience is like the day of surgery.

 When you arrive on your surgery day, the nurse will bring you back to the pre-op room and verify some last minute medical information with you. You will have your vitals checked to ensure you are ready for surgery. The nurse will then administer some medications to help you relax and make you comfortable.

 The doctor will then come in and have you undress the area to be treated; in this case the abdomen. The abdomen can be broken up into 4 different areas; Upper Abdomen, Lower Abdomen, Waist and Hips. Deciding which of these areas you should choose will be something that you will discuss during your initial consultation. The most common way to treat the abdomen is to do all of those areas together and that is often called the “Full Abdomen”. This allows you to treat the circumference for the most dramatic effect on the size and shape of the entire waist.

 The doctor will examine the area and make markings on your skin to help guide him/her during the procedure. These markings are custom to you and your unique shape and desired outcome. Once the markings are finished, you will be moved into the OR to prepare for the procedure.

 Once you are settled and comfortable, the doctor will begin to make tiny insertion points into your skin to allow a numbing fluid, called “tumescent” to be distributed throughout the tissue and areas where the fat will be removed. This is considered local anesthesia as you will remain awake and alert the entire time. There are many benefits to this procedure being done while you are awake. For instance, it is ideal that you are able to communicate with the doctor and the nurses during the entire procedure and it also avoids some of the risks associated with general anesthesia.

 After the tumescent has had a chance to absorb and the surrounding tissue is numb, a small Cannula will be inserted into those same sites to begin the fat removal process. The doctor will glide and move the Cannula around to evenly and safely remove the fat. During this time, you may feel some poking, prodding or vibrations but you will remain comfortable.

 Once all areas have been completed, you will be moved to a recovery room where the nurses will ensure you are feeling well enough to go home. At that time you will be given discharge instructions and the appropriate garment(s) for recovery. In the case of Abdominal liposuction, the compression garment will resemble a corset with built in shorts. It is imperative that you keep this garment on for 23 out of 24 hours a day – only removing it to shower or to wash it. You will be advised to not shower for 24-48 hours after surgery. Please be aware that you will need to arrange for a ride home with someone you know and trust before the procedure date. That person will be contacted right before you are moved to recovery to let them know you will soon be ready to be picked up. This way they will not have to wait for you onsite while you’re having the procedure done.

 Recovery is different for everyone but generally speaking you should be able to return to normal, light activity within 48 hours. It is recommended that you take the remainder of the surgery day to rest but we advise that you should be up and moving around immediately. This will help reduce inflammation and swelling as well as prevent some adverse complications such as blood clots. Also, wearing the garment(s) you received upon discharge is of the utmost importance. It will assist in skin contraction as well as prevent discomfort and excessive swelling.

 Some of the most common side effects are: swelling, draining of fluid (sometimes a pinkish color due to the tumescent), bruising and general discomfort.

 A nurse will be in contact with you at various times throughout your recovery to ensure that everything is progressing as it should and to answer any questions that you may have.

 Occasionally, results can be seen almost immediately but most people will start to see results at about the 1 month mark. At 3 months post-op, you should expect to be about 75% of the way there and your final results will be seen at approximately 6 months post-op.

Do you have more questions? Give us a call!

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