What is a “Mini-Tummy Tuck” and Am I a Good Candidate?

Surgical Procedures

Many people have heard of a “tummy tuck” – or what is referred to medically as an Abdominoplasty. So what is a “mini tummy tuck” and how does it differ from a full tummy tuck?

A mini tummy tuck is a variation of the traditional tummy tuck and is performed to remove excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen (usually the area below the belly button). This procedure can help to create a smoother abdominal profile without the extensive nature and downtime required of a traditional tummy tuck procedure. Many patients can benefit from liposuction on the surrounding areas at the same time as their mini tummy tuck. Another benefit of the mini tuck is that this procedure is less invasive than a full tummy tuck, so it can be done under local anesthesia which makes it less costly while reducing some of the overall risk to the patient.


 Who is a Good Candidate for a Mini Tummy Tuck?

 Whether it’s from weight loss, laxity due to aging, pregnancy or any other reason you may have loose skin and/or excess fat below the belly button, you might benefit from a mini tummy tuck. Patients with excess fat and skin above the belly button and around their sides are often better candidates for a traditional tummy tuck. The other issue to consider is whether there is any significant separation of the abdominal muscles that needs repair (typically as a result of pregnancy). That alone can cause protruding of the abdomen and will require a full tummy tuck to be resolved.

Mini tummy tuck candidates should have less fat and skin than traditional tummy tuck candidates. During your consultation, it’s important to discuss your medical history and health so that your doctor can ensure your tummy tuck procedure will be safe and effective based on your unique concerns and circumstances.


 This treatment has been successfully performed on both men and women with a variety of different health backgrounds. Here are a few more signs that you may be a good candidate for this treatment:

 1. You’re Overall Health Is Good

It helps if you’re a non-smoker who’s in good overall health. If you have any underlying health conditions, share those with us during your consultation so we can determine if this treatment is appropriate for you. Tummy Tucks are not recommended for women until after they are done having children as pregnancy will compromise the results.

 2. You’re Close to Your Ideal Weight

A Tummy Tuck, whether it’s a full tuck or a mini one, should be viewed primarily as a body contouring treatment. It removes extra fat and skin from the area, leaving the patient with a firmer and more toned appearance, but it won’t help you lose a significant amount of weight. Even when paired with liposuction, we recommend that patients, who are looking for weight loss, shed the pounds and get as close to their ideal weight as possible before treatment. If weight loss is your primary goal, your best bet is to pursue a diet and exercise plan first.

 3. Your Concerns Are Confined to the Lower Abdomen

The mini tuck, in particular, focuses on flattening and firming the lower part of the abdomen: a part of the body that can be particularly vulnerable to sagging because of pregnancy, weight loss, and the natural aging process. It’s a tricky area to address with targeted exercises, which is why the mini tuck can be such a nice option for patients.


 The Mini Tummy Tuck Procedure

 A mini tummy tuck procedure can last between two and three hours, depending on the patient and their specific surgical plan. The duration also could be affected by whether or not liposuction is part of the surgery. A mini tummy tuck requires a short incision just above the pubic hairline, similar to a C-section incision. If necessary, lower abdominal muscles are tightened using sutures, and excess abdominal skin and fat are removed. The skin is then pulled taut and sutured to create a smooth, tight surface. Unlike a traditional tummy tuck, an incision is not made around the belly button. Once the procedure is complete, the incisions are closed and dressed. You will then be fitted with a compression garment for use during your recovery. The compression garment helps with swelling and contraction of the skin.


Mini Tummy Tuck Recovery

 Recovery from a mini tummy tuck is shorter than that of a full tummy tuck. Patients should expect to take 10 to 14 days for recovery time, which includes avoiding activities like lifting or exercising. You can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort during this time, but these can be managed with prescribed medications. You should wear your compression garment according to your doctor’s instructions since this can help manage the swelling, and help the skin adhere to the new contours.  You’ll most likely experience scarring, but there are products to use during your recovery to reduce their appearance. Mini tummy tuck scars are usually able to be concealed within the pant line. However, keep in mind that you should avoid exposing the area to the sun while healing as that can contribute to discoloration of the scars and surrounding tissue.  After a mini tummy tuck, most patients can return to work and resume moderately strenuous activities within two weeks.

Do you have more questions? Give us a call!

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